
Monday, April 15, 2013

Menu Plan - 2013 Week 16

Baseball and Spring activities are in full bloom over here now. The weather is up and down, with temperatures somewhere between 40 and 80. . .makes getting dressed difficult.

We are all busy this week, so it's an easy menu of tried and true favorites.

Monday - Pasta with Sauce, Meatballs, Salad and Rolls
Tuesday - Taco Tuesday with Guacamole and Corn
Wednesday - Chicken Cutlets - not sure what sides we are having yet.
Thursday - Grab-n-Go, so probably Chicken Nuggets and Mac-n-Cheese
Friday and Saturday - Boys' Nights because mom is heading to Type-A-Philly
Sunday - TBD

So there you have it - it's not fancy, it's not difficult, and it's relatively easy on the budget as well. I try to make as many things from "scratch" and whole, real foods as possible these days. But it doesn't always happen and that's reality.

What's your favorite dish in your rotation right now?

catch you soon -

This post is linked up with I'm An Organizing Junkie.

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