
Tuesday, April 02, 2013

LockLaces. . .A Great Alternative to Tying Shoes

Trouble tying shoes or keeping them tied? Try LockLaces

disclosure: I received LockLaces to facilitate this review. I was not compensated for this post and as always all opinions are my very own.

I must admit . . . I have mixed feelings about shoe laces. Yes, shoe laces. I want my kids to know how to tie shoes - it's a life skill. However, I seem incapable of teaching them. My oldest learned to tie shoes at Day Camp. (that counselor was one of my favorites) My youngest is learning right now.

Tying shoes used to be a passage to school. There's a cute book, "Countdown to Kindergarten" and the premise is that she will not be allowed into kindergarten if she cannot tie her shoes.

We of course, know this is not true. Almost every pair of kids shoes comes with straps, velcro and other options for keeping them on your child's feet. So now, you may very well have a child that doesn't know how to tie shoes. . .but has a pair of shoes that HAS to be be tied. . .like cleats.

What's a mom to do? I spent the first five years of baseball double knotting or yelling "tie your cleats" to my oldest. Then I got these LockLaces in the mail.

First of all, they fought over the cool colors. . .everyone wanted the Apple Green or the Orange. Being slightly type-A, I like them to match or coordinate with the shoes. I convinced the oldest that the pretty blue ones would go great with his Detroit Tiger's jersey for baseball this season.

They are a snap to put on - here's a quick video of me replacing the old shoe laces with the LockLaces right before we had to leave for practice.

He's had the LockLaces on his cleats for a couple of weeks now and he loves them. They stay tight, don't come untied and are easy on and off in the dugout.

I sent a pair to my Uncle. He is in his 70s and has suffered from polio for his entire life. He has little use of one hand and arm, so many everyday tasks are difficult for him, such as tying shoes.

I admit, we were stumped on where to use our LockLaces at first, the kid's current sneakers all have straps.  Ryan was the one that thought of his cleats. And since they are prone to coming untied, I agreed to put them in. John is taking the Apple Green pair for his sneakers.

Sneaker with Lock Laces
So far, we love them. They seem to work great and hold up well. Here is some information from the company:
Patented elastic shoelace and fastening system. Fast. Convenient. Secure. Engineers and designed to improve athletic performance, reduce pressure points, promote circulation using simple compression, and eliminate heel crushing. One size fits all. Available in a dozen colors. 48 inches in length.
I can't comment on the claim of improved athletic performance, however, there are no lumps or bumps where the cords flow through the shoes, and my oldest says they are very comfortable. Those things make them a win my book.

catch you soon -

1 comment:

  1. Lock laces are a great product but kids need to learn how to tie shoes. The easiest way to teach a child is with Loopeez and Loopeez bi color laces . Plus they are cute !
