
Thursday, April 04, 2013

How-To: Getting Started in Gardening

Peat Pot and Egg Carton Seed Starters

We have had a small, backyard garden for many years. . .it always starts off strong, but somewhere in July, amidst the bugs and the heat. . .it loses it's appeal. And don't even get me started on my battle with the groundhogs. . .

This year, I decided we would start things a little differently. Instead of planting our lettuce out in the garden box, I'd put the seeds in a planter close to the house (and hopefully away from the groundhogs). While we were at it, I picked up some herb seeds to plant this year as well.

On a recently warm day (there have not been too many yet - it's frustrating) I got my helpers,  gathered up our supplies and we got our garden started.

Gather supplies to start your garden

I used a long planter for our lettuce, and decided to use a cardboard egg carton to start herb seeds. The kids helped me turn some Popsicle sticks into plant markers so we would know what was sprouting.

Mark Your Plants With Simple Plant Markers

We filled the containers with potting soil, designed for potted plants and container gardens. We made little divots for the seeds, and sprinkled them in.

Ready your soil for the seeds

Plant your seeds in your soil

Cover the seeds with a little dirt. Push in the plant markers (I cut the herb ones down to size). Sprinkle the plants with a bit of water.

Water your seeds

Now we wait for the first sprouts. . .I plan to keep the lettuce in this planter near the house, and transplant the herbs from the egg carton to my herb planter, also on my patio near the house. I am contemplating peas in a large round pot - anyone have success with that to share?

catch you soon -


  1. Love this. Every year I say I'm going to start a garden... Does that count?

    1. It's MUCH easier to maintain that way - lol

  2. Thanks for taking the time to document just how LAZY moms like me can get started on a gardening project with my kids-- THIS YEAR I AM DOING IT!!!!

    1. LOL - I clearly stated how about mid July I totally lose interest - =)It's one of those things that seems like a GREAT idea in April - but then I fall short =(

  3. I have the same thing - some time around July/August when the bees and spiders are plentiful, I start slacking in the garden area.. I do need to get started real soon here..!

    1. I am planning to get some tomato pepper and zucchini plants once the real warm weather gets here. . .

  4. You make me want to start a garden.. The boys look so happy.

  5. We've done peas in the ground, but I need to figure out a good trellis system for them. I am so excited to see what you grow!

    1. I did peas last year-I used steaks and culinary string to make a grid for them to climb up - they did REALLY well. . .until the groundhogs ate them down to the ground and I cried.

  6. How do you keep the egg cartons from mildewing from the moisture? That is what happened to mine when I used the cardboard ones. The styrofoam ones worked better for me.

    1. So far so good - but that is an EXCELLENT question - I was thinking I would plant the whole cup - since yo can compost cardboard egg cartons . . .hmmm. . .I will keep you posted!
