
Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Quick Craft: St. Patrick's Day Tags

St. Patrick's Day is one of those holidays that I don't really decorate or craft for. A few years ago, I added a little green food coloring to some spaghetti and glasses of milk for a festive and fun dinner and the kids loved it. . .but that's about the extent of it.
Quick and Easy Craft - St. Patrick's Day Tags

This year, I decided to make some clover tags that could be used on straws, goodie bags, treats, or really anything. Everything I used to make them, I had on hand, so not only is this a quick craft, but it can be a budget-friendly craft as well.

I used a heart paper punch and a scalloped-edge circle paper punch. But you can use heart stamps (or make them out of a potato) and green ink and cut circles using a juice glass as a template, if you don't have paper punches. The real trick here, is knowing that 3 hearts, makes a clover.

I gathered up some of my green cardstock scraps, and my paper punches.

Craft Supplies St. Patrick's Day Tags - paper and punch

I punched out light green circles for my tag base, and dark green hearts to make my clovers. I trimmed small pieces of the dark green by hand, to use for stems.

St. Patrick's Day Paper Tags - punched paper

Once everything was punched, I put adhesive on the hearts and attached them to the light green circles.

St. Patrick's Day paper tag assembly

Paper Tags for St. Patrick's Day

For my tags, I used a glue dot and attached each one to a drinking straw. But you could attach them to just about anything, even a plain white card to make a Happy St. Patrick's Day Card.

completed paper straw tags for St. Patricks Day in glasses on a plate with gold coins

What will you put some lucky tags on for St. Patrick's Day?

catch you soon -

This post is linked up for Motivation Monday at A Life in Balance.

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