
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

On the Moo-ve this Spring with Stonyfield Smoothies

my scraps | On the Moo-ve this Spring with Stinyfield Smoothies

I don't know about you, but with two school-aged kids, I feel like we are ALWAYS on the move! This spring we have two baseball leagues, visits to Jersey to see my parents and a few camping trips planned already! And with two boys, I am always looking for a healthy portable snack.

These new Smoothies from Stonyfield are perfect! They come in a kid-friendly size, and are made with real organic fruits and veggie puree. Each bottle accounts for 1/3 of kids' recommended daily serving of calcium. The best part, is that Stonyfield doesn't use any artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners and no HFCS. They are also gluten-free and certified organic. This is a snack I can get behind and a healthy alternative to more processed on-the-go snacks.

my scraps | On the Moo-ve this Spring with Stonyfield Smoothies

It never fails, before we head out the door for baseball practice, someone needs a snack. "Grab three yogurts and let's go!" Is my typical response, because truth be told - I enjoy them too! And they are perfect for heading out to visit my parents in New Jersey. That's an hour drive, so we typically need some snacks and amusement. This deck of cards is a great amusement for the whole family. And we found they also come in handy on rainy days in the house and camping trips!

my scraps | On the Moo-ve this Spring with Stinyfield Smoothies
Since the birth of my oldest child, it has always been our "philosophy" to take the kids with us. We live in a beautiful suburb of Philadelphia, with a bounty of places to visit within a day's drive. We love the zoos, museums, parks and amusement parks that surround our area. We love to wake up on a Saturday morning, and decide to "go somewhere" . . .maybe it's to Strasburg to see the trains, or into the city for some history. But wherever our travels take us, I have a new favorite snack to bring along.

my scraps | On the Moo-ve this Spring with Stinyfield Smoothies

Where will this Spring bring your family?

catch you soon -

note - I received Stonyfield Smoothies, a gift card and a pack of cards to facilitate this review. As always, all opinions are my very own.


  1. We like to pick up and go places on the weekend. Last weekend we drove to Ocean City for the day. It was so nice to get out of town and the house. I always pack snacks even with older kids. I am going to pick up Stoneyfield smoothies for trips!

  2. We live in such a great area for day trips - and my kids are pretty good travelers. Hope you enjoyed them if you got them - they are quite tasty! I've started bringing them for baseball practice and games now.

