
Monday, March 18, 2013

Menu Plan Monday - 2013 Week 12

It won't seem much like Spring here today, we are in for a mix of snow and rain. This week, we have baseball practice, and I am chaperoning an all-day class trip on our calendar, which has me thinking about dinner time.  What time do you eat dinner? I've tried moving dinner back, to a later hour. . .but it doesn't work for our family.

So on a regular week, the kids and I typically eat between 5 and 6p and John eats when he gets home, typically between 6 and 6:30, while the kids are finishing up homework (on a non-baseball night). While this isn't ideal, it works for us.

How does your dinner routine work? Do you eat a family meal around the table every night or do different schedules cause you to make adjustments?

Here's what is on my plan for this week:

Monday - Spaghetti with Garlic Shrimp and Broccoli
Tuesday - Taco Tuesday
Wednesday - Baseball Practice, so it's grab-n-go (maybe Taco Melts)
Thursday - Pork Tenderloin with Spinach, Orzo and Feta
Friday - Class Trip Chaperone
Saturday - Leftover Buffet
Sunday - TBD

I linked up my Menu Plan up over at I'm An Organizing Junkie. Check it out for more inspiration or to link up your own plan.

catch you soon -

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