
Monday, March 04, 2013

Menu Plan Monday - 2013 Week 10

The start of another week.  Can you believe we are already ten weeks into 2013? If you made a goal or resolution to meal plan, how is that working for you so far?

It's working out well for me - using the monthly calendar so I can potentially plan ahead, helps. My biggest obstacle is boredom and/or lack of inspiration. I'm in a real end-of-winter slump right now, feeling as if we eat the same things ALL the time.  Here's what's on the plan for this week:

Monday - Pasta with meatballs, rolls and Cesar salad
Tuesday - Taco Tuesday with corn and guacamole (this may need to be switched because we have an event at our local library)
Wednesday - Pork Medallions, Roasted Potatoes and Green Beans
Thursday - TBD/Leftover Buffet
Friday - Pizza Night, we may try Calzones.
Saturday & Sunday - TBD

I'm linking up at The Centsible Life and I'm An Organizing Junkie. Check them out for inspiration or to link up your own Meal Plan.

catch you soon -

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