
Thursday, January 31, 2013

#vlogmom | Something Old

Do you have old clothes in your closet? I like to think of them as "vintage", and it's what happens when you buy classic style pieces that are well-made.

This week's #vlogmom prompt comes from Heather  over at Cafe SMom.  Heather asked us, "What is the oldest article of clothing in your closet, how long has it been there and why do you keep it?"

Now how old does something have to be before it is considered Retro or Vintage?

Also, on a side note of video blogging. . .if you are less then thrilled with the way you look in a video. . .but are happy with the content and mood, do you re-shoot? I was not happy that I chose not to get out of my yoga clothes for this shoot. But I was happy with the way the content turned out.  Love your thoughts on vlogging AND old clothing you are hanging on to!

catch you soon -


  1. Now I've gotta go check! You didn't find anything embarrassing. Just classic :-)

    1. I also gave you a glimpse into my OCD, Type-A tendencies. . .I cull my closet regularly. I do have some things in "storage" in the basement.


  2. Umm, those aren't old. You need to see my video. My favorite part? Your closet light ;)

    And I thought you looked great! I didn't even do my hair or makeup today!

    1. You are so sweet - and yes, that fancy light is the bomb no??

