
Tuesday, January 01, 2013

One Little Word. . .2013

Rather than make (and break) New Year's resolutions, for the past several years I have participated in a project, created by Ali Edwards called One Little Word.

The idea of the project is to select a word that will exemplify how you wish to live during the year.  A single term, that you can channel goals from various parts of your life into.

As Ali says, "You live with it. You invite it into you life. You let it speak to you. You might even follow where it leads. There are so many possibilities."

This year, my chosen word is "FOCUS".

Last year my word was "create" . . . I created a new career for myself, several new processes around my home and a new method for preserving and telling my story.  This year, I'm planning to take those newly created processes, and "focus" on the things, people and events that are the most important to me.

I hope you will join me in my journey.  At this point, I am planning a once-a-month check in, here on the blog, to see how I'm doing with my word.

I've been participating in this adventure since 2008 . . .

2008 - simplify
2009 - harmony
2010 - gratitude
2011 - soar
2012 - create

Update:  Thanks to Angela over at Untrained Housewife, I contacted Melanie from Only a Breath, and she made this wonderful button for me.  I am SO thrilled to have this to put on my blog and include on my monthly updates and check-ins with my word.

If you participate in One Little Word, I hope you will leave me a comment with your word - and better yet, a link to why you chose it.

catch you soon -


  1. I've never done the "one word" thing... I have too many words and can't (hee hee) focus. But I love the words you've chosen.

  2. I just love the flow of your words as they have built from one to the next over the years. Now i have to go and read to see how they have all worked out in the past - altho sounds as tho you had last year down!
