
Monday, January 07, 2013

Menu Plan Monday - 2013 Week 2

This will be our first full week of the new year.  As part of my resolve to "focus" in 2013, I am trying to put a little more thought into my meal planning.  I printed out a blank January calendar, and filled in my first two weeks of meals.  This way, I also have the dates available, if I happen to see a recipe, and want to put it in my rotation for the month.  I simply write it in a future block, pin the recipe and it's all planned.

I had a request for Taco Tuesday this week, so that's going on the list.  And last week, I broke out my Bread Machine and made my own pizza dough - it was so delicious, we're going to do that again this Friday, but make Stromboli with the dough.

So here's the plan:

Monday - Pork Tenderloin with Scalloped Potatoes & Green Beans
Tuesday - Tacos with Guacamole and Corn
Wednesday - Pasta with Sausage and Spinach in white sauce
Thursday- Pasta E. Fagioli Soup and Rolls
Friday - Homemade Stromboli
Saturday - TBD
Sunday - Leftovers

What's on your meal plan this week? For inspiration or to to link up, check out I'm an Organizing Junkie.

catch you soon -

1 comment:

  1. Your meal plan sounds delicious! Especially the homemade Stromboli!
