
Monday, January 21, 2013

Menu Plan Monday - 2013 Week 4

Happy Monday! Time for another meal plan. This week the temperatures here are dropping into the 20s.  Currently, I have a pan of lasagna and three batches of soup in my freezer to pull out on a cold night if I change my mind about cooking. 

One of my meal planning goals for this year, is to not let things keep in the freezer too long. I tend to keep them just in case, and then never use them and have to toss them. How do you remember to use up what you have in the freezer?

Here's the plan for this week:

Monday - Lasagna (yep pulling it out of the freezer for tonight)
Tuesday - Taco Tuesday - with Avacados and Corn
Wednesday - Ham Slice, Scalloped Potatoes & Green Beans
Thursday - Pasta Fagioli (defrosted from the freezer) with salad & rolls
Friday - Pizza Night - home made dough
Saturday - Leftover Buffet
Sunday - Pork Tenderloin

I'm linking up my meal plan over at I'm An Organizing Junkie and also over at The Centsible Life this week.  Check them both out for inspiration or to link up your own plan.

catch you soon -

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