
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Spending Habits for Kids & Virtual Piggy

Do you remember learning about how money works when you were a kid? I don't have any firm memories, but I know at some point my parents opened a savings account for me - complete with my very own passbook (dating myself).  This account was a place to put all my Birthday and Christmas money and eventually money I would earn from summer jobs.
But what's a parent to do for a kid that wants to buy Apps and Music online? We don't dare give up our credit card information to a tween or teen. Along comes Virtual Piggy. . .a way to control your kids' online spending. . .

Here are some details on safety:
For parents, your credit card information is kept under their PCI-DSS Level 1 Certified security, the highest level available. Because this information is stored under your parent account, your child never has access to it.

For your kids, they only needs their Virtual Piggy username and password to checkout, so they never use your credit card, or provide personal information like their name, age, birthdate, contact information or home address. Virtual Piggy is also a certified licensee of the TRUSTe® Children's Privacy Program, which has been approved by the Federal Trade Commission as an authorized safe harbor under the Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule.

So we are going to give this a try in the new year.  It's easy to set-up, it only take s a few minutes. And it is never too early to learn how to spend (and save) wisely.

catch you soon -

note - I was compensated by Splash Creative Media for this vlog, on behalf of Virtual Piggy.  As always, all opinions are my very own.

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