
Monday, December 17, 2012

Menu Plan Monday

This is it. . .the final stretch to Christmas.  This week is filled to the brim with last minute shopping, cards and cookies. . .not to mention some fun and festive activities too.  Regardless of those things, I have a plan in place. . .but we may resort to pizza on any given night!

Monday - Mini Meatloaves & Mozzarella Bites
Tuesday - Chicken Cutlets, Mashed Potatoes & Peas
Wednesday - Pasta
Thursday - Chili and Cornbread
Friday - Pizza Night
Saturday & Sunday - TBD

Are in the final stretch of the holidays, or has Hanukkah come and gone and you can relax?  Either way - I hope you have a wonderful week.  For more inspiration or to link up your own meal plan, check out I'm an Organizing Junkie.

catch you soon -

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