
Wednesday, December 05, 2012

iPieces - Review and Giveaway

Play fun board games on your iPad

It seems that not a day goes by that one of the kids asks if we can download something for them to play.  It's convenient to have easy access to something "new" and typically inexpensive or even free.  But sometimes these games and apps don't have any staying power. And they are all for ONE person, so the kids have to share and take turns . . . and any parent knows what a nightmare that can be.

Not the case with these brilliant classic games from Pressman Toys.  They are part app and part board game and when I saw them at BlogHer, I fell in love!

I downloaded the Apps for the boys (they are free) and gave them the game pieces.  They jumped right on the Air Hockey game.  It took Owen some time to get the hang of it.  There is a 6 year age difference in my boys.

We also got to test out the Fishing game.  Now, any of you that have had a preschooler/small child try to play that Fishing Game, where the "pond" spins around and they have to drop their line and let the fish clamp on it, know that it's nearly impossible - right? Not so with this version.  Owen struggled a little bit, but quickly got the hang of sliding his rod over to his bucket to catch the fish.

Here's a little demo of them setting up the games and playing:

The BEST part of this review, is that thanks to Pressman Toys, you have a chance to win your own iPieces Game!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good Luck!

catch you soon -
note - I received an iPieces game in order to facilitate this review.  I did not receive any compensation, and as always, all opinions are my very own.


  1. I think my son will love this for his Ipod(if his dad gives it to him).. if you can use it on a ipod .. or only the ipad. Love the idea.. hockey is my favorite

  2. I was a connect 4 girl growing up.. I would bug EVERYONE to play with me. :)

  3. Sorry! We loved to play Sorry!

    I'd love to win this for my girls!

  4. Ooooh how fun!!! My kids would love that.

  5. My kids LOVE air hockey. If we only had an iPad!! My teenage sister will love it though!


  6. I personally loved playing "Mousetrap" when I was a kid.


  7. Candy land and Uno were my favorites as a kid.

  8. My favorite was Life. I think it was the spinning wheel...
