Hillary Chybinski: #vlogmom | A Peek Inside My Fridge

Thursday, July 05, 2012

#vlogmom | A Peek Inside My Fridge

This week's #vlogmom topis is from Dresden over at Creating Motherhood.  Dresden asked: "Give a tour of your freezer or refrigerator (what's the oldest thing in there?)"

Remember Cribs on MTV? (is it still on??) Everyone would show off the contents of the refrigerator. . .which in most cases consisted of some energy drinks, beer and a few condiments.

Well my refrigerator is a little bit different. . .

What's in your fridge?

catch you soon -


  1. That is a tiny 'fridge. Love that you have found ways to make it work with the lazy suzannes. I am going to incorporate that awesome tip into ours immediately. (Thanks.)

    I also think this is the motto of many a mom, "... a lot more magnets than I'd like, a lot less stainless steel than I'd like."

    Great vlog!

    1. LOL thanks - yes, the genius that last did the kitchen put cabinets over the fridge, making it impossible to put a bigger one in without ripping everything out. . .and a kitchen re-do is NOT in the budget.

      That Lazy Susan tip is a goodie and I've been using it for years now!


  2. Love the Lazy Susan idea, super creative! Great vlog!
