Hillary Chybinski: Protecting Our Children | Thoughts on the Attempted Child Abduction in Philly

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Protecting Our Children | Thoughts on the Attempted Child Abduction in Philly

This afternoon, I spent some time with Sherri from SuperExhausted, Karla from BellyButtonBoutique and Linda from FrugalPhillyMom.  We sat with Tracy Davidson from the NBC Station here in Philly, and discussed the recent local child abduction attempt. 

You can see our on-air discussion, but I took a few moments this afternoon to share my own thoughts on how to protect our kids and how to talk to them about "stranger danger".

I'd love to know what steps you take to keep your kids safe - I hope you'll leave a comment here, or make a video response of your own.

You can read more about the abduction attempt and the would-be abductor's arrest, here.

catch you soon -


  1. youre never too old for the stranger danger talk. i STILL talk to Pumpkin about it. p.s. i like your sidekick!

  2. I don't think there is a wrong age, that they are ever too old or that you've missed the opportunity as long as you keep talking about it, keep communication open and listen to what your kids say and feel about this as well. It's such a scary issue but one that we have to keep talking about and helping our kids know what to do if they are ever approached or scared.

  3. There is never a wrong age, and as they get older, it is a whole new conversation you need to have with them. For me, I just always remind my kids to never ever ever stay in a situation they feel uncomfortable in, get in a car with someone they don't know, and pray my babies will always stay safe.

  4. I think we can always use a Stranger Danger reminder. And your son is adorable!
