
Monday, June 04, 2012

Menu Plan Monday

School is quickly winding down, with LOTS of activities.  We have 2 Graduation celebrations this month - Ryan will Graduate form 5th grade and go on to Middle School, and Owen will graduate from pre-K and move on to Kindergarten.

In the midst of all this end-of-year activity, Ryan's baseball team is in the playoffs - and the are the #2 team!

Also, this week is our neighborhood carnival. . .we can smell the funnel cake and hear the music, so it makes it tough to not go every night - LOL.

So in light of all that, here is my plan for the week:

Monday - Mahi Mahi, Baked Potatoes and Salad (I have never made Mahi Mahi before - I am trusting the packaging from Trader Joe's)
Tuesday - Pasta and Broccoli in oil and garlic.
Wednesday - Chicken Tacos (using a Rotisserie Chicken) and corn
Thursday - Trader Joe's Nuggets & Mac-n-Cheese, our standard baseball game night fare.
Friday - Take Out/Pizza Night
Saturday & Sunday - TBD - if there is nice weather maybe some burgers & dogs on the grill Sunday

Do you plan a weekly menu? Want to get in the habit? Join us over at I'm an Organized Junkie for ideas.

catch you soon -

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