
Thursday, May 10, 2012

#vlogmom: What TV Show Would You Be On?

Today's #vlogmom topic is from Jennifer at Mommy B Knows Best - "What television show would like to be a guest on?"

There are so many to pick from. . .see what I had to say:

So if any of you television stations are interested in launching a TV Talk Show about Real Moms and what we do - let's talk!

What show would pick to be on?

catch you soon -


  1. I'd' thought about talk shows too. I would love to be on an Oprah show about mom bloggers making a career for themselves from home!

  2. Excellent answer with Oprah and Martha Stewart and their ability to propel you forward. Can you imagine the number of blog visits that week?

    Great answer!

  3. I agree - Martha Stewart really does need to be more mom focused! LOL! You'd be great on Oprah :)
