
Monday, May 28, 2012

Menu Plan Monday

This week is crazy - a holiday on Monday, 2 baseball games and summer camp orientation (on the SAME night) and a traveling spouse.  I decided to not give it much thought, going with what's easy and what we have on hand.

Here is my plan:

Monday - BBQ Chicken, Salad, Broccoli Slaw, Baked Beans
Tuesday - Scrambled Eggs
Wednesday - Chicken Nuggets & Mac-n-cheese (2 Baseball Games tonight!)
Thursday - Pasta with Meatballs
Friday - Pizza Night
Saturday & Sunday - TBD

What's on your plan?  For ideas or to share your plan, check out I'm an Organized Junkie.

catch you soon -


  1. That sounds great. I'm sending my son over from Tuesday through Friday since you have his favorites covered. ;)

    1. Excellent! LOL - yeah, when dad is away we eat much more kid-friendly.


  2. Sounds simple. I'm putting mine together today. Fortunately I don't have to worry about tonight since my dh will take care of that. ;)

  3. Well, since I won't get my CSA list till tomorrow it threw my menu planning/grocery shopping out of whack. I foresee a couple grilling days, a panini day (first tomatoes of the season!) and probably a pasta day. More details when I figure out the veg that I will be getting.

    I started using Pepperplate to keep track of my menu during the week. You should check it out. I got hooked when I read a post about it on Serious Eats.

    1. I am going to check it out - and I'm really wishing we did a CSA this year. . .sigh. . .


  4. Some weeks I am a rockstar with menu planning. Other weeks - like this one - I am totally lack luster and can't come up with something new and exciting to try! Although I like the scrambled eggs idea!

    1. LOL - hardly rockstar material. . .but if I make a plan - even a weak one - it helps me have somewhere to start - I at least have the ingredients in the house to make something from the plan. =)

