
Monday, May 14, 2012

Menu Plan Monday

This should be titled, No Plan Monday, as this week I am more unplanned than planned.

We have 5 baseball games this week - that's right, 2 kids + 5 games = eating on the go.

So this is a VERY lose plan, based on things I have on hand.  If I make it to a store for meat and produce, this plan may expand a little bit.

Monday - Trader Joe's Nuggets and Mac-n-Cheese (5:15 baseball game)
Tuesday - Pasta with olive oil and garlic, side salad (6 o'clock baseball game)
Wednesday - Chicken Thighs and Scalloped Potatoes, Green Beans
Thursday - Undecided - maybe breakfast for dinner (5:15 baseball game)
Friday - Take Out Night/Pizza
Saturday & Sunday - TBD (2 games on Saturday)

As I said, it's not a great plan. . .but I'm at least headed in a direction each afternoon, and for me - that's the important part.

What's on your plan? For additional inspiration, check out the link up at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

catch you soon -


  1. Ugh I feel your pain with the dinner planning this week. If it's not a baseball game, it's swim practice - pretty much everyday this week. It is one of my biggest challenges this time of year. I am always looking for super quick or portable meals to make life just a tad easier!

  2. Looks like a yummy week. How do you do your chicken thighs?
