
Monday, May 07, 2012

Menu Plan Monday

Yep, we are still planning away over here. 

Though I will admit, trying to keep up with end-of-school-year activities and 2 boys in baseball, is putting a crimp in my dinner.  How about you? Is May super busy for you and your family? What are your favorite or go-to meals on busy nights?

Here's what I rounded up for this week, using things we have on hand this week.

Monday - Trader Joe's Chicken Nuggets & Mac-n-Cheese (EARLY Baseball game)
Tuesday - Ravioli and Sausage in a light white sauce
Wednesday - Port Tenderloin, Smashed Potatoes and Green Beans
Thursday - Spaghetti and Meatballs (Baseball night)
Friday, Saturday & Sunday - Boys Camping Trip

Do you have a menu plan? If you need ideas, check out I'm An Organizing Junkie.

Catch you soon -

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