
Tuesday, May 01, 2012

10 Things You Didn't Know About Me

That Liz over at Six Year Itch is always inspiring.  She can string words and thoughts together like nobody's business.  The end of last week she posted some ADORABLE pictures of herself along with a list of 10 Things we didn't know about her.  I loved it and mentioned what a fun link-up it would be. . .so pressure's on, she went ahead and made it a carnival!

Here's the part where I bare my soul. . .at least on a list of Ten Things You Probably Don't Know About Me (complete with gratuitous pictures from my awkward childhood).

 I Never Leave the House Without Make-Up
It's true. . .even to drop the kids off at school or pick up milk at 7-11. I'm not sporting a black-tie event full face. . .but I have an 8 minute daily routine that I do mostly without fail EVERY morning.

 I Hate My Middle Name
And will not tell you what it is. . .I hope I don't hurt my mother's feelings. . .for years I wasn't too thrilled with my first name either - it was "different" and who in their right mind wants to be different when you are a kid? Now - I love it and wouldn't change it.  But back in the day, I wanted to be a brunette named Sue rather than a redhead named Hillary.

I Hate to Exercise
Endorphins? What are they? I do not think I have unleashed one of them - ever.  I hate it - aerobics from the 80s and 90s, gym class in school, picnics and field day. . .hate it all.  Being the anti-exercise sports girl I am. . .I have been blessed with two incredibly amazing sports-minded boys.   Go figure.

I Have an Unreasonable Level of Perfection For Myself
This is raw, but I sometimes have trouble making a decision because I am terrified of making the "wrong" one.  I am not perfect - no where in the ballpark of perfect in fact.  But I hold myself to believe I "should" be

I Really Wanted a Girl
I love my boys with ALL my heart and love being a "boy mom". . .once again, would not trade it for anything.  But if we are getting all confessional here. . .when I found out I was pregnant for the very first time. . .I secretly hoped it was a girl.  Because I am a girly girl and I loved Barbie.  Now I see the foolishness of my ways as I am the only Diva in this house.

I Love Pop Music
Yes ok. . .Katy Perry, One Direction . . . pop music.  I love the catchy lyrics and uplifting beat.  I can sing along (and do) with all of them on Radio Disney. (even when the kids are NOT in the car).  The 80's station is my second favorite.  I'm weak - I admit it.

My First Crush was Speed Racer
Yes, I know he's not "real" . . . but I didn't know that when I was 8.  The way he drove that Mach 5 and those spiffy red socks. . .not to mention the ascot. Dreamy! You will be pleased to know I then moved on to Shawn Cassidy and Donny Osmond (see Pop Music above).  Do they still publish Tiger Beat magazine?

I Can't Cook
Ok I can follow a recipe and I do make dinner for my family 4 nights a week.  But I can't really "cook".  I don't know what spices go with what and I can't "create" anything from scratch except peanut butter and jelly. I don't have a signature recipe.  John did NOT marry me for my cooking - just ask him about the salty shells.

I Love Animals
Seriously, I could easily end up on animal hoarders some day.  I love dogs and cats and birds and cows and horses and just about everything but snakes and bugs.  I don't like to read, hear or watch stories about people being mean to animals - I have no stomach for it.

I Believe I Haven't Hit my High Spot Yet
Meaning. . .I do not believe my "best day ever" has come and gone. . .I think God, Fate, JooJoo (whatever) has more in store for me.  It's been an overall awesome life so far, I can't complain.

Luckily all my awkward teen years photos are at my parent's house. Well except for this Senior Prom Picture - Thank You Madonna for the inspiration.  Hard to tell where the white dress ends and the white skin begins - isn't it?

So now that you know more about me than you ever wanted to. . .what are ten things about you that we don't know? Share in the comments, on Facebook or link up over at The Six Year Itch.

catch you soon -


  1. How cute are you! If I could sew, I would make you a PSMM cheerleading outfit and demand you do a high-kick for bloggers. And The Dress! We're both guilty of where does the lily white begin and end. So funny!

    1. lol - yes. . .cheerleader. . .white dress. . .so many things you say "what was I thinking??!"


  2. Just one more reason why I like you....Speed Racer was my first crush! I even have a Mach 5 box and a book about Speedy that I read to my son. Shawn Cassidy was next, then Rick Springfield. My favorite photo is the one with the green beads and the daisy in your hair. Adorable!

    1. I <3 you - Rick Springfield was AFTER Shawn and Donny for me. . .and I have 3 seasons of Speed Racer on DVD if you want to come over.


  3. Hillary, I love this post! The pictures are priceless and I do agree there is a lot more in store for you in this wonderful life.

    1. Awe thank you sweetie! It was fun to write. . .and always fun to share. . .that prom picture. . .OY. . .


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  5. I love the post you and Liz are inspiring. The white dress/milk skin (milk girls unite). You were a cheerleader.. of course you were always supportive and up beat. I would be an animal hoarder as well, if I have the space time and a house keeper I would have more. Loved it great post!

    1. Thanks! =) Yeah - that is a lot of PALE going on. . .LOL


  6. I had no these posts when I learn about some of my favorite bloggers. Great pictures!
