
Monday, April 23, 2012

Menu Plan Monday

Once again my menu plan is at the mercy of a crazy spring schedule.  But the April and May issues of Everyday Food had some wonderfully easy and delicious sounding recipes and ideas. . .so here we go:

Monday - Roast Chicken and Smashed Potatoes
Tuesday - Salmon & Spinach in Parchment, Couscous
Wednesday - Skillet Shrimp and Orzo
Thursday - Chicken Sandwiches with pasta salad
Friday - Take Out/Pizza Night
Saturday & Sunday - TBD

My plan for late spring into summer is to grill meat or seafood, and serve it over a salad for John and I - then make additions for the kids as necessary.

Sometimes meal planning is a challenge, as John no longer eats beef, Ryan would eat beef ALL the time and doesn't eat vegetables, Owen doesn't care for meat OR seafood and likes pasta, fruit and vegetables.  So in my planning, I try to come up with a main meal that has something for everyone.  Then I can add some fresh fruit, a salad or leftovers to whoever needs them.

Do you have picky eaters or different tastes that you need to please? What are some of your best tips?

For more meal planning ideas, be sure to check out I'm An Organizing Junkie.

catch you soon -

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