
Monday, April 02, 2012

Menu Plan Monday

time for another planned week of dinner menus.

my oldest starts Spring Break this week, so this is a tentative plan subject to change if our plans change.  I picked up a few extras last week at the grocery store and Trader Joe's, so I intend to use those things and only add a quick trip to the store this week for extras.

Here's our plan:

MONDAY~ Pasta with a side salad
TUESDAY~ Stuffed Flounder (we never had this last week) with a veggie & salad
WEDNESDAY~ Roast Chicken, Potatoes & a Veggie
THURSDAY~ Taco Thursday
FRIDAY~ Take Out/Pizza Night
SATURDAY & SUNDAY~ TBD - Easter Dinner at my mom's house.

If you want to share your plan, or are looking for ideas for your own weekly meals, check out I'm an Organized Junkie.

catch you soon -

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