
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

How-to Recycle in Style

Do you recycle? Our township makes it super easy - we are single stream so there is no sorting, and they come pick it up at the curb every week.

My problem? What to do with it as it collects before pick up.  We live in a small house without an attached garage.  (In my dream home, we have a recycling center in the mud room.)

In my real home, we have a kitchen where we keep the stuff until John hauls it out to the bins outside.  We recycle a lot. . .so when I got the opportunity to review the new Rubbermaid Hidden Recycler - I was excited.

Yes excited about recycling . . .and organizing.

The bag is soft-sided and totally flexible.  The unit is super easy to assemble too.  So I opened my cabinet ready to install (yes there is only one that will work in my kitchen) and saw this. . .

Well now, that's going to work is it? But the unit has easy attachment hardware for a cabinet door with hooks or screws, and I do have this weird towel bar in my pantry/basement doorway.

This is a winner.  The unit slipped right on the bar and is now our place for paper.  It will hold a week's worth of our paper recycling, keeping it neat and out of the way.  However, it's a 5 gallon bad and holds up to 36 12 ounce cans, and is big enough to fit a milk jug.  The bag has a leak-proof liner that is machine washable too.

Know what else? The product itself? Is RECYCLABLE!! How clever is that?

So we are giving this product 4 out of 4 stars.  It's convenient, it does everything it promises, it looks nice and it's good for the planet!


Here's a surprise for YOU - Rubbermaid has agreed to give one of my scrap's lucky readers a Hidden Recycler of your very own!

To enter, just leave a comment telling me your BEST recycling storage tip, and I will randomly select a winner from all valid comments.  You MUST include an email to be eligible to win.  Good luck!

Comments will close on April 17th at NOON Eastern Time.

You can check out all the new Rubbermaid Recycling products on

catch you soon -

note - I received the Rubbermaid Hidden Recycler in order to facilitate this review.  As always all opinions are my very own and I will never tell you I like something if I don't.


  1. My best tip is terrible...I take it to the recycling bin or it sits on my counter...I NEED THIS!!!!!

  2. We're lucky enough to have a garage and I put the recycle bin right outside the door from the house so all I have to do is open the door and toss. It makes it easier to not just toss something in the trash if I can just as easily recycle it. I don't even have to go outside...YAY!

  3. We have single stream recycling, thank goodness, it makes it SO much easier! In our house we have the recycling bin in a trash can right next to our main trash can, and each is labeled. We have A LOT of recycling so we end up dumping it in our outside recycling bin every two days. I'd love to try this product upstairs in our house to make it easier to recycle magazines/water bottles, etc. Thanks for the chance!

  4. Hmm... trying to think of a tip (because I'm in the same boat as Sarah!).

    I can say that our recycling storage needs changed dramatically when our town went from once-a-month collection (it was brutal. We recycle a TON.) to twice-a-month recycling. So one tip would be to ask your township for more frequent collection! I'm still hoping for once-a-week someday. A girl can dream! ;) Thanks for the great giveaway!

  5. My best tip is to remember to recycle even when you are not home. I see too many people forget to do this when they are on the go. I keep recyclables in my car and then put them in our outside bin when I get home!
    mommyentourage at yahoo dot com

  6. We have a separate trash can in the garage where I take boxes, paper, plastic, etc. carry it out to the huge bin outside on recycling day. I include the kids, and usually ask them to carry small boxes like cereal boxes to the garage with me. Fourlittlemonsters(at)

  7. My tip is to recycle junk mail ASAP to avoid piles of unwanted mail. This bin would be perfect for that!
    Knittingzeal at gmail dot com

  8. My best tip is to recycle even if it isn't part of your township's pick up. There are so many things that can be recycled that aren't part of these programs. Yes you will need to take the items to a location that accepts them but it's worth helping the planet right???

  9. I wish I had recycling tips! Ours sit on the counter until I am tired of looking at it and then I take it out. This would be perfect for us and would help get the kids involved in recycling.

    agrandelife at gmail dot com

  10. I really don't have any recyling tips...we recyle cardboard,magazines and newspapers....take them to a recycling bin
    behind our fire station...we also quit buying bottled water and have a water filter pitcher

  11. Thanks for all the GREAT tips! I'm off to choose the lucky winner! Good luck to you all!

