
Tuesday, April 03, 2012

How-To Raise Money for Your School

Whose school couldn't use a little extra money these days? And how many of us are tired of fundraisers and buying things we don't really need?

The Box Tops for Education program offers an easy way to raise money for your school, without you having to do anything extra (except a little cutting).

I was recently invited to attend a local Box Tops for Education University event, along with some other area bloggers.  While I am not the coordinator for my school, our schools as well as myself do participate in the program, so I was excited to learn more about the program.

With @decloPAMoms and Emily Eppig

The Box Tops for Education program has been around since 1996, and the schools that participate have earned more than $445 MILLION!  There are more than 90,000 schools enrolled in the program, and the program is for grades K through 8 - so you middle schools out there need to participate!

It's super easy for your family and your school to participate. You can earn money for your school in two ways:
  • Through clipping the Box Top coupons from hundreds of products sold at your favorite stores.
  • Through the Marketplace, an online shopping program where you can earn eBoxTops on purchases from a variety of national and specialty stores.
After your School Coordinator sends the Box Tops to General Mills, your school receives a check, equivalent to 10 cents for every Box Top redeemed.

There are also webinars and events like the Box Tops for Education University that School Coordinators can participate in to get ideas for running their programs.

Is your school participating?

catch you soon -

note - I received a Gift Card and a bag for attending this event.  As always all opinions are my very own.

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