
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How-to: Organize your online stuff - Clipboards get techy with Clipix

Many of us know what a great organizational tool a clipboard can be - right?

There are some beautifully organized spaces with a block of clipboards hanging on the wall.

Well imagine if you could take all those clipboards. . .clip all the stuff you find on the web to them by category or project. . .AND. . .take it all with you.

Magic you say?

No - clipix I say.

What is clipix you ask?

It's an incredibly useful tool to help organize our lives online. It solves the problem of what to do with the tons of things we see online each day and not having a good way to save and organize them. Clipix provides a central place to keep all the things you see online and want to come back to.  Those things are called “clips”  and you organize your clips in clipboards.  You can create a clipboard for almost anything: books you want to read, gift ideas, comparison shopping, home decorating.

Amazing right? watch:

Is your head swimming about how you and your mom can plan your dad's 70th birthday party online? Or how you can keep track of all the design ideas you have for your blog?

Clipix isn't another social media site.  Your clipboards belong to you - unless you choose to make them shareable.  And even better, there's an iPhone and Android app so you can take your clipboards with you.

If you give it a try - I'd love to know what you think! Clip on!

catch you soon -

note - i was not asked to write this post, nor did I receive any compensation for writing it.  This is simply a great tool that I like and wanted to share with you.

1 comment:

  1. I’m so lucky today that I was able to read your site which gives me a lot of ideas that I’ve been looking for. With this, I can use it to my site…I hope to read more of your future post. Thanks a lot.
    Party Online
