
Saturday, July 16, 2011

bloggy summer camp. . .online friends

Day 16 – How many friends of yours blog/tweet/actively facebook? Has social media helped or hurt your friendships?

when i started tweeting - not many of my real-life (RL) friends were there. . .so i did what any girl would do at a cocktail party where she didn't know anyone - work the room. 

soon i had a group of "regulars" that i chatted with.  time went on and as my online friendships grew - I got to meet some of those people in real life (IRL) and become for-real RL friends. that is on-going.  as i make more friends online and establish relationships with them - i hope to meet them in person.

similar scenario with bloggers and friends on facebook. . .i was a reluctant facebooker. . .and i am still not a fan. . .but to be involved in social media and communication - i need to be involved in all areas in order to best serve my clients, associates and community.

i think social media and online communication have helped friendships in many ways. . .however, nothing beats a good girls night out!

Want to find out more about the summer blog camp? Check out Creating Motherhood.

catch you soon -

1 comment:

  1. It is so fun to meet our blogging friends in real life, isn't it? Sometimes, I feel sorry for my real life friends that DON'T have a blogging community or a facebook group for support.
