
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

bloggy summer camp. . .the best job ever

Day 13 – Tell us about the best job you ever had, and the worst. Do you ever blog or read blogs while at work? Do you ever quote or reference blogs while at work?

the best job i've ever had is that of CMO - Chief Mom Ofiicer . . .it is the one job that makes me feel as if I am making a positive difference in  the world around me.  being a mom to my 2 boys fills me with a sense of accomplishment and pride that no paying job ever has or will.
me and my boys

i enjoy working (for pay) and volunteering (not for pay).  being laid off for the last year and half has been a struggle both financially and personally. . .it's been a tough adjustment.  i have recently been given some opportunities to get this new career off the ground - Online Content Creator and Social Media Strategist.  it's slow (financially speaking) - but i'm truly enjoying it and it is keeping me super busy.

i don't really have a worst job - i was fortunate enough not to have a list of bad and awkward summer jobs and part-time jobs while finishing high school and attending college.  i worked as an assistant for a kids camp, in the checking department of a local bank, and in retail - then i moved into my "career" - accounting and auditing.

when i worked in an office, yes i worked on my blog and read blogs at work.  never to the detriment of my paying work. . .but in a slow period or down-time.  i'd much rather do that than read the newspaper or play games as many other office workers do. =)

If you want to learn more about the Summer Blog Camp - check out Creating Motherhood.

catch you soon -

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