
Friday, June 10, 2011

my kids want a dog. . .

so I got them one. . .Cube Dog

I tried it out first - and made a cute little pink dog.  Ryan (my 10 YO) tried it out next.  We both agreed that it's a little hard to figure out how to get started - the wrench lets you start a new doggie.  Once we jumped that hurdle - he was off and laughing and making his dog.  He loved all the things you can do with it - he told me, "mom, I wish there were more activities for the dog but this is totally cool."

i then handed off my iPhone to Owen (4 YO) and he set up a cute blue dog too - but he ran through the entire rainbow of available colors first.  His favorite part is the camera - I have a lot of pictures to delete from my album.
Cube Dog helping me write my post

overall it's a super-cute app that definitely keeps the kids (and me) entertained.  my only suggestion for improvement would be to make navigating easier.  Once we turned on the camera - we couldn't turn it off without exiting the program.  And I mentioned the difficulty in finding out how to start a new dog earlier in my post.   But we all love our dogs that we created and are enjoying playing with them!  Today I turned my Cube Dog (Pippa) into a Ninja. . .can't wait to see if I can do that again for the boys when they get home!

The kids have asked several times to play with it - and I hear them laughing - they particularly like when Cube Dog calls his friend on his own iPhone.

Here's a quick video to give you a feel for what the App is like - check it out!

You can download the App from iTunes and if you are on Facebook, be sure to check out Cube Dog's page and watch for a fun contest running June 13-17th.

While Cube Dog provided me with the app to review, the opinions I've expressed here are solely my own and represent my honest viewpoint. Cube Dog, Clever Girls Collective and I promote Blog With Integrity.

catch you soon -

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