
Monday, June 20, 2011

menu plan Monday. . .

Menu Plan Monday

school is out - but summer camp starts today.  so we are pretty much on our same schedule for the next 9 weeks. . .a little later drop-off time in the morning and a little earlier pick-up time in the afternoon.  What is nice is no real homework.

I am also reading The Family Dinner - Great Ways to Connect With Your Kids, One Meal at a Time by Laurie David.  So my plan is to give the kids a more substantial snack after camp (cheese and crackers, fruit, yogurt, cereal) and push dinner back to 6:30 in hopes that John will home in time to join us at the  table some nights.

here's the meal plan for this week:

Monday - Chicken Cutlets over greens (from our garden!!) with potato wedges
Tuesday - Salmon with Couscous Pilaf and Green Beans
Wednesday - Broccoli, Tomato & Mozzarella Stromboli
Thursday - Buttery Shrimp & Radish pasta
Friday - Take Out or leftovers
Saturday & Sunday - TBD

I am finding my Everyday Food App for my iPhone to be indispensible in my menu planning process.  What tools do you love to help plan your meals?

catch you soon -

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