
Tuesday, June 07, 2011

getting organized. . .a summer series

my scraps gets organized

my scraps is kicking off a summer series on getting organized.

each Tuesday, there will be a post related to being organized, getting organized, tools and techniques for getting organized, etc.

please feel free to leave a comment if you have an idea or specific area you'd like to see covered.

we are going to start off small and simple. . .water bottles.

my family had a big weekend this past weekend - we attended the Monster Jam Monster Truck Rally and the Philadelphia ProCycling Race.  The kids brought home 7 water bottles.

new water bottles (+1 Ryan brought to school today)

add these to collection of bottles we already had teetering out of control in our cabinet. . .and we needed help.

water bottles i pulled out of cabinet

a quick request on Twitter - brought a great idea from Molly Gold of My GO MOM Inc. (Molly is my go-to source for organizing, growing and scheduling)

Molly suggested a plastic bin, down low where the kids could reach it and purge some of the bottles.  I had already thought about a plastic bin I was using on top of the fridge for something else.  I knew I had to purge. . .but the idea to put it low tied it all up nicely for me.

the right storage solution AND the right spot to store

so first i cleaned the basket (never put anything away dirty) then I purged some bottles.  I kept just enough to fill the basket.  a few cabinet changes, and I was able to slide the basket in a low cabinet.

organized water bottles

the remainder of the water bottles went in the recycling basket.  so for a few minutes of brainstorming, a few minutes of labor and using a basket from my stash - water bottles are not falling out of my cabinet onto my head.

what's one area in your house you can organize right now to make you r life just a little easier?

leave me a comment and let me know how it goes.

catch you soon -

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