
Friday, March 25, 2011

Fashion Friday. . .it's all about the hair

i have been in a heat roller phase for a while. . .i have long, thick hair and blowing it out takes a special kind of patience that i simply do not have most days.  heat rollers let me wash my hair, let it air dry (most of the time overnight) and stick some rollers in then go about my day.

New Heat Rollers from Ulta

my problem is that my 90s heat rollers have been on their last leg. . .for a while. . .making me scared they are a fire hazzard. . .

so i was at Ulta this week, and thought I'd peruse their selection.  John tried last year with a great fancy new set from Target - they had these cool modern clips and were great - but would NOT stay put in my hair. . .so i had to regretably return them.

Ulta had two options - and i went with the slightly more expensive version that was most similar to what I already owned. . .I did not hold out much hope that they would work.

but they did!

my hairstyle today

so now I can lay my old (very gross) set to rest - and continue my reign of big 80's hair.

what's your go-to hair style?

catch you soon -


  1. Every time I see you, I think you have great hair!

  2. It's true - you do really have awesome hair :) If I tried to use curlers, I swear my hair would fall flat in minutes.

  3. I have long thick hair that won't hold a curl, yours looks nice, but truth be told I don't have the patience.

  4. I haven't used a hot roller since college. Your hair looks great though. Mine is naturally very wavy/curly, so I pretty much wash, scrunch, and go. A few years back I had a short angled bob and I loved it, but it meant blowdrying and straight ironing every day. Yuck. Too much work for me.

  5. you ladies are all SO sweet - thanks for the compliments - it truly is about finding what looks nice and is EASY for your routine - right?? =)


  6. Never got hot rollers to work in my hair. Like Candice, it was a thing of patience. My go-to 'do? pony tail and clip to hold back the bangs. But on most days I flat iron. Don't have pretty curls like you.

    See you soon!
