
Thursday, February 17, 2011

taking time for myself. . .

Thanks to Crystal Light for sponsoring this post. To learn more about how Crystal Light can flavor your day with 30 refreshing flavors, visit

me time. . .girls night out. . .mommy time. . .it has a million different names

cocktails. . . coffee. . .bunco. . . bridge . . .it has a million different forms

but what it boils down to is taking some time for yourself. time to nurture who YOU are as a person, not the mom, wife, wonderwoman you are the rest of the time.  a little time each day to recharge your battery, re-ignite your spark, and remind you who YOU are.

it doesn't have to be a big elaborate expensive retreat. . .it can be a simple walk on the beach by yourself.

i think it's important to steal a few minutes "just for you" during the day - EVERY day.
  • listen to a favorite song or podcast while you wait in carline or at the bus.
  • if you have a child old enough to read on their own - set up 10 minutes and sit on the couch together - each reading your own book.
  • get together with girlfriends for coffee, cocktails, cards and conversation.
  • run errands with a friend to make it more social and less of a chore.
these are some of the ways I try to squeeze in time for me each day.  it makes me a better wife, mother and person.

what are some of your favorite ways to take a moments for yourself?  How do you nurture your own spirit?

catch you soon -

Remember, visit to learn more about how Crystal Light can flavor your day with 30 refreshing flavors. I was selected and paid for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective, which endorses Blog With Integrity, as I do.

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