
Thursday, February 24, 2011

is your life a circus act?

have you ever seen one of those performers that can spin plates on the top of tall sticks?

they set up a bunch of tall poles, and spin plates on the top - the object is to run around and keep the plates spinning so that none crash to the floor.

i started to feel that way about my life this week. . .like that performer, running from plate to plate - trying to keep them all spinning (laundry, dishes, homework, shopping, work, bills, love, getting dressed, dirty car, kids, relaxing, eating right. . .) invariably, I can't get to one and it crashes to the floor. . .but I throw another one up there and keep spinning. 

now i am very lucky - i get a lot of help around the house.  John is not a husband or father that does not participate or help out.  And I appreciate everything he does.  It's more my own perceptions of my life and my role in the lives around me.

and here's the funny part - since being laid off from my job for a year now, when I only have 2 or 3 plates spinning - I'm bored and dis-satisfied.

so what's the answer? do you ever feel like that guy spinning the plates?

catch you soon -

note - a special thanks to Karyn Climans from for inspiring this post thru our discussion.


  1. Today was particularly crazy. In other words, my plates were spinning, crashing, breaking etc. However, at the end of the day, I still solved more problems than I created so it was a good day.
    I sometimes wish things were less hectic but I am also the 1st person who will complain if I'm too slow.
    Hope you get your dishes neatly stacked in the dishwasher by bedtime.

  2. Plate spinning is a great metaphor. Between the kids and their lives, trying to renovate a house on a tiny budget, generalized work craziness, one of us job hunting and issues with the kids' bio mom, it seems like one of those plates is always threatening to fall!
