
Monday, December 27, 2010

christmas wishes. . .

so as one year closes out and another begins. . .as the kids play with new toys and i find room for them . . .as we take down the lights and decorations we spent a month placing in just the right spots. . .i start to think about where i've been and where i want to go. . .

for you loyal blog followers, you know this has been a tougher year than most for us - me getting laid off last January (YIKES a year since I had a paying job!) and John's stroke in August. . .but we made it through both of them so far - and are hopefully better and stronger than before.

so that's a bit on where i've been . . .

where am i going?  that's a good question. . .

i plan to continue with the One Little Word Project for 2011. . .I already have a word in mind, and I'd love to sign up for Ali's class at Big Picture Classes. . .not sure that's where I should spend money at this point though. . .

i'd like to open an Etsy shop this year, design a logo, update my blog design and my dream for the year is to get a paying job in the world of online content and social media.

now to develop a plan to achieve these things, while maintaining a family, home, and life. . .and bringing necessary income to our family coffers.

what are your christmas wishes or plans for the new year?

catch you soon -

1 comment:

  1. GREAT post! Thanks for opening your heart! =)Hmm... Everytime I 'plan' for a new year-nothing ever turns out the way I had hoped for... especially the past few years. So I have to say, one word. Peace. I want to be at peace with myself... my life.. my family... my career... my everything. And know that it's meant to be..whatever that may be.

    My wish for you is continued joy. Cause you can surely see & hear the joy you have! xoxoxoxo
