
Monday, November 01, 2010

halloween...the recap. . .

so yesterday was Halloween. . .and since it was Sunday, and we were lucky enough to have off from school on Monday, we made it a whole day affair.

we started off making a big batch of Southern Living Chili in the Crockpot and some cornbread for the side.

after that is was on to decorating the house. . .the kids swept the leaves off the front porch while John and I hung up the spider and lanterns.

next on the agenda - pumpkins.  we decided to do three (since one had a moldy spot). 

All in all they came out pretty well. . .

Our biggest pumpkin had the most gorgeous seeds, so the kids separated them out and John roasted them up.

Of course once dusk came, it was time for the main event - Trick or Treating.  There was a LOT of excitement this year.

Hope you enjoyed your Halloween, please post a link to your celebration and/or pictures int he comments section - I'd love to see them.

catch you soon -

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