
Friday, October 29, 2010

Sometimes an Idea Has to Percolate

So last year, for each of our birthday's we took a trip to iHop for breakfast.

Being the crazy camera/scrapbook lady that i am. . .I snapped pictures.  This wasn't really a plan. . .it just sort of happened, as the boys and John all have birthdays within 2 months of each other.

So these pictures have been sitting around waiting to be scrapped - I had the story and the pictures. . .just no idea for design.

I've taken out the pictures a few times, pulled out random kits, moved everything around - just to put it all back and wait.


A couple of weeks ago - "A-HA!" I thought, a circle - like a doily, with the pictures around it. . .and here's what resulted:

Scrapbook Page Layout 12x12

I tend to be a perfectionist - and I'm trying to let that go. . .sometimes things just take a little time.

What have you created lately?

catch you soon -

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