
Tuesday, September 07, 2010

a piece of my story. . .

My whole world tilted on it's axis last week. . .

We take so much for granted - move through life so quickly - worry about things we can't control - make stupid mistakes - forget how precious it all is.

Ironically, my chosen word for this year is gratitude. . . little did i know just how grateful i would become this year.

You see last week, my husband faced a serious and potentially fatal medical situation (that's his story to tell) - it came out of nowhere - I was with the kids at the library, waiting for a tutoring session for my oldest, when i got a call they were rushing him to the ER.

I know so many of you have lived through your own family tragedies. . .so you know the feeling.

My first instinct was to protect my kids - they had heard me on the phone, and seen my face.  they are little - soon to be 10 and soon to be 4 - so i tried to shield them.  I told them daddy was sick and needed to go to the hospital and they would have to stay with a friend while I went to check it out.  I called said friend and dropped the kids off on auto-pilot.  Somehow, with the help of google maps on my iPhone - I found the hospital. I guess I should consider myself lucky that I didn't know where it was or anything about it - yet.

I don't think there is anything I can do to re-pay my friend Tecla and her wonderful family for all they have done for my family this week (but that's a separate post on gratitude).  My neighborhood "girls" (Terry, Tecla and Lisa) have been wonderful - sending food, cocktails, support and advice.

I have learned a lot this past week - about stroke, surgery, recovery, the sad state of healthcare, my family and myself. . .not all of it was good - but it is my life and I own that.

I'm happy to report we are on the road to recovery. . .and according to the Doctors there is no reason to not to believe John will make a full and complete recovery - but I already knew that =)

catch you soon -


  1. I hope that all goes well and that the road to recovery is speedy!

    Life can throw you for loop every so often and it's what keeps us on our toes... sometimes it's good and sometimes not. But we do the best we can. We learn to be grateful for what we have and happy for the people in our lives.

    It's great that you have such a wonderful support group of friends and family!

  2. I really hope that all goes well. I picked up on what was happening thru Twitter and the other gals going to BBC in Philly. It warmed my heart to know you had such a great support system.

  3. Glad to hear that he is on the road to recovery. You will be missed this weekend.
