
Monday, September 13, 2010

My Very First Blog Post - an Analysis

This week, I decided to join the Back 2 Blogging Challenge hosted by SITS.  Today's challenge is to re-upload our first post.  So, without further ado. . .here is my very first post (published on July 16, 2005):

confessions of a virgin blogger. . .

. . .there's no turing back now. . .i've done it. . . i've blogged.

If you're reading this, thanks for taking time out of your busy day to read my musings and mind-wanderings. I'm not sure what is to come. . .it's like the first time you do anything - how will you know if you did it right? will you want to do it again? will it become a hobby? a passion? an obsession? hmmmmm. . .you'll need to check back and see how it progresses.


Two immediate changes that come to mind - PROOFREAD and add at least one picture.

What I LOVE? That i chose to try to engage my reader(s). . .and that the writing, while brief, shows that I was starting something new and wasn't sure where it would lead me.

What was your first post?

How would you change it knowing what you know now?

catch you soon -

Sponsors for the Back to Blogging Challenge:
Standards of Excellence
Westar Kitchen and Bath
Florida Builder Appliances

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