Hillary Chybinski: You Are Beautiful

Sunday, August 29, 2010

You Are Beautiful

I was recently provided a copy of "Operation Beautiful - Transforming the Way You See Yourself One Post-It Note at a Time" by Caitlin Boyle. Have you read it? It's a ground-breaking book on self0esttm and self-worth, aimed at women and young girls.

Groundbreaking Book by Caitlin Boyle on self-esteem and changing the world

Ms. Boyle writes in her introduction,  ". . .On a particularly stressful day, I was in a public restroom, and as I stared blankly into the mirror, I felt the urge to do something positive.  I spontaneously scribbled "You are beautiful!" on a scrap piece of notebook paper and stuck it on the mirror.  When I looked at the note, I felt lighter.  I wondered who would find my note.  Would it make her happy?  Would it be the bright spot in her day?  Would it feel like a message from the universe?  I was giddy with excitement as I considered the possibilities of my note.  I never dreamed that one little note was the start of something big."

Ms. Boyle posted a picture of her note on her blog - and a movement was born.  You can check it out at www.operationbeautiful.com .

I typically enjoy a good self-help book - tending to prefer a more checklist type of book that I can follow.  But this book, while dispensing wisdom on developing a healthy mindset, is really more of an inspirational book.  Making the reader feel good - both about themselves and about others.  There is plenty of helpful information throughout the book on improving your own beautiful mindset. . .but it's the transformation it can make in your outlook that is so powerful.

I loved reading the personal accounts of women who were either inspired to leave a note for someone else - or found a note, improving their day.  I'm hoping to find a note one of these days.  Some of their creativity in where they left notes was amazing!

After starting the book, I added a fun pad of Post-its and a Sharpie to my Target List.  I have only left a couple of notes so far. . .I have trouble remembering. . .but each time I do - I feel inspired to make the world a better place.

Inspiring self-esteem in girls and women through random acts of kindness and post-it notes.

How have you inspired someone lately?

catch you soon -

note:  I was provided with a copy of the book for purpose of review.  All opinions as always are my very own.


  1. I adore the power of twitter, just found out about your blog via the lovely @LittleBitJen.

    Great contest and a great book. Kudos to you for following C. Boyle's lead and making someone think and feel good about themselves. FTW!

  2. I love the idea of it.
    I think one would look nice in then middle school bathroom.....
