Hillary Chybinski: learning to craft. . .

Thursday, May 06, 2010

learning to craft. . .

I first posted this topic over on MomSpace. . .but I've been thinking about it more and more as Mother's Day looms closer. . .thinking about my mom and time we spent together.  Thinking about my grandmother (my mom's mom). . .

I was reading a book (about starting your own crafting business), and it made me think about my crafting history. . .what is my earliest memory of "crafting"?

It would have to be of me and my grandmother doing ceramics.  She used to take a class at some woman's house - and bring home stuff to paint.  She would bring home stuff for me too - little figurines, holiday ornaments, etc.  I can clearly picture her orange caddy, filed with paint jars and brushes.  My mom had a yellow one, they almost always did their crafting together - ceramics, macrame, crocheting, knitting, etc.

My grandmother passed away several years ago but I still miss her almost daily.  I have a bunch of the holiday ornaments that we painted.  I have a few pieces that she painted - her initials scratched into the bottom - JFC.  I have an afghan she knit for me too.  The one she taught me to knit is my parent's house somewhere - unfinished. 

One year - we did sequined fruit - it was gaudy and a bit tacky to tell the truth - but right now I am sad and jealous that my cousin got to take that.

There were many, many crafts with my grandmother and mother growing up. . .my mother's crafts always looked so artistic (she can draw too!) and mine looked like something a child did . . .I know I WAS a child - but still! 

how did you learn to craft?

catch you soon -

1 comment:

  1. Hillary, the more I read your blog, the more I realize how similar we are. :) I also miss my grandmother very much - even though she has been gone for 6 years now - and like your grandmother, several of her crafts are among my greatest treasures.

    My grandmother also did ceramics, and I have a few of the things she made. I still to this day sleep with an afghan she crocheted.

    She didn't teach me how to do any of these things, but perhaps what they taught us was to value the process of creating ....
