Hillary Chybinski: the performance. . .

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

the performance. . .

let me give you a little background first. . .

Owen is currently at a WONDERFUL daycare/preschool near our home. (Ryan went there as well)  The program includes both typically developed children and special needs children.  There are 8 classrooms that range in age from 6 weeks to 6 years.

Today was their all- school production of Where the Wild Things Are. . .complete with lines, sets and costumes.  Because there are so many children involved, they did 2 acts: the first with the toddlers and one preschooler (our own dear friend Rena) as Max; and the second with half the kids as Maxes and half as Wild Things.

 Now - picture if you will, a basement "meeting" room. . .crammed to the gills with kids, teachers and staff, parents and grandparents.  There was also a fundraising bake sale going on (thus all those tweets about cupcakes!)  Needless to say the warmth and the size of the audience stressed out some of the kids. . .and the crying began. . .and as many of you know - once one starts. . .a bunch follow-suit.

But the way the teachers and staff handle all this is AMAZING to me - they are so very nurturing and caring and attentive. . .no one is yelling or looking frazzled. . .I know it's their job - but still - did I mention the random children crying??

Both acts were adorable and the Teachers, Staff and Children should be so proud of their hardwork.  I know I am - and so very grateful to be a part of it.

catch you soon -

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe they are doing plays this young. So cute!!
