Hillary Chybinski: gratitude check in. . .

Thursday, January 07, 2010

gratitude check in. . .

. . .so today is the 7th day of January, 2010. . .

seven days of living my word - gratitude

thanks to my handy iPhone App, i have written 4-5 items for each day that I am thankful for. . .that's almost 30 already for this year.  some of them are silly (cheese) some serious (a job is all i lost) - some brought on at a moment of weakness (bedtime for the kids)

but i'm doing it - i am taking a few moments everyday to reflect on the good and positive things in my life - and recording my gratitude for those things - no matter how small.

how are you doing with your word?

catch you soon -

1 comment:

  1. Hillary- love the word! It was my word for 2009. This year, it's LIGHT. I've been doing a series on my blog about keeping your OLW front and center during the coming year... here's the latest:


