i'm sitting hear in the cool morning quiet having a cuppa coffee and perusing a few blogs
the big boys (john and ryan) are off to the AC air show today - it was a big hit last time they went, and this year, they are meeting up with mimi and pop-pop. . .i have to admit to being a little jealous - it's a beautiful day for the beach. . .
owen is at school. . .since we got there a little late i got to share some fruity cheerios and peaches with him before he met his friends in the gym. . .he's turning into such a big boy. . .
i am doing some job-hunting and there are plenty of errands to run, but ryan may like to do that with me tomorrow. . .so for now - it's off to the dry cleaner, do some laundry and fit in a sesion with my wii fit. . .
catch you soon -
Good luck to your job hunting :)