Hillary Chybinski: weekend wrap-up. . .

Sunday, June 15, 2008

weekend wrap-up. . .

. . .so on friday, we said good-bye to 1st grade. . .the year went by too quickly. . .ryan learned so much, made new friends, and got much taller. not only is it good-bye to 1st grade - but to the building that has been our school for the past 2 years. . .the township is building a wonderful new elementary school, so in the meantime, ryan will be at a temporary school. i keep telling myself it's the people that make it so wonderful - not the building. . .

. . .there has also been lots of play in the new sprinkler pool. . .of course owen thinks the sprinklers are tiny water fountains, and he bends over to take a sip. . .ryan is having a great time keeping cool and messing around with his little brother. . .me? i sit in the shade with a cool drink and watch.

catch you soon -

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