Hillary Chybinski: happy new year. . .

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

happy new year. . .

here i am. . .january 1st. . .

my mantra this year is "simplify". . .meaning, if there is a way to do something the "easy way" - hey, why not do it that way for a change??

honestly. . .resolutions get to me - if you live in the Philly area, did you catch Lisa Scottoline's Chick Wit column on Sunday? i hear what she's saying. bottom line - wishes rather than resolutions. . .a hope for a better something. . .with wiggle room when it doesn't quite go your way. . .

so i'm wishing for a more simple year - simple routines, simple processes, simple approaches. if it works for scrapbooking - it should work for life - right?


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