Hillary Chybinski: lost. . .

Thursday, August 30, 2007

lost. . .

. . .a first baby tooth. . .

finally. . .this afternoon. . .after months of agony of being the "last one" that hasn't lost a tooth.

hmmmm. . .someone better contact that tooth fairy and see what the going rate is. . .

catch you soon -


  1. good luck on that! what did you find the going rate to be?

  2. After raising 2 children who are now on the verge of being young adults, and falling pray to the "going rate", I think it would be refreshing to see the tooth fairy use her/his imagination and creativity - you know, mix it up a little. For example, a nice gift certificate for a Rita's water ice or something along that nature from time to time, not just money.

    Just putting in my 2 cents. I miss having little kids... Dani
