Hillary Chybinski: me = bad blogger. . .

Friday, April 27, 2007

me = bad blogger. . .

. . .can't believe i'm only on here once a week these days! you would think there was nothing going on in our lives - when quite the opposite is true.

this week we had a little respitory problem with owen. the doctor gave us a nebulizer and albuterol to try and help him out. his breathing seems to be fine, and we hope it's not an indicator of problems to come. . .he doesn't care too much for the nebulizer, but then who would?

this weekend, we have t-ball practice and errands. i hope it's nice enough weather to get outside a little bit. maybe a lunch or dinner out too.

then there is alwasy that mound of scrapbooking i haven't felt like doing. . .

catch you soon -

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