so i've been up since 5 am for some reason. . .did i bother to get up and actually do anything? no i laid in bed and enjoyed the silence and the breaking light of day. . .until john had to get up for work. then ryan got up and came into bed with me, with all 4 of his current sleeping buddies. then one of the cats. . .
seemed easier to get up and make some coffee, send john off to the office for a few hours and let ryan enjoy the wonder of PBS while munching on junk cereal and drinking orange juice.
i'm searching for scrap funriture. . .not furniture tha has been tossed by someone else. . .furniture to scrap on (desk, storage, etc). with our shared office/scrap studio becoming a baby room. . .i need new digs. john is trying to help me find something to use in the dining room. . .we spied some mission-style stuff at Target yesterday that just may work out. . .ikea is our next trip.
enjoy your sunday -
catch you soon -
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